Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make the text larger?

The font size in Daily Bible Inspirations is tied to iOS’s font size setting, so to increase the font size in Daily Bible Inspirations, increase the font size in your iOS settings.

How to change your default font size on your iPhone or iPad, from Apple Support.

Journal Overview

The journal is to help you reflect on God’s Word and see how He has led you in the past.

Adding entries

Each daily verse and devotional has a reflection question. Tap on “Add answer” to respond to the question. If you have more reflections, tap “Add entry” to write your own response.

Editing entries

You can edit your entry simply by tapping on it in the verse/devotional page or by tapping on it in the journal page.

Journal Page

To access the journal page, tap the journal icon on the top left corner of the page.

The journal page allows you to see your favorite verses and devotionals as well as view your spiritual walk through journal reflections.

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